Food to avoid during six packs abs workout.
Diet! Diet! Diet! are you tired of listening and implementing this word in your life, if so my sympathies and solace are with you . Well, don't be disappointed anymore, i have a optimum solution for you people. In my opinion, home is the best place to horns your abs- after all, a six packs are easily made in the kitchen. First , remove the false facts from your mind that there is something like spot reduction. Mostly people start their six pack program by keeping the concept of spot reduction in their mind. Therefore, even after a long hard work the outcome is zero. Kendra Coppey Fitzgerald, the founder of Bare foot tiger, in- home personal training service in NYC an LA said "if there is too much fat on the core of your abs muscle, no matter how long and how hard you work out, you cannot see your abs". Main food to avoid during abs training? Before starting your abs diet just make sure you would count how much calories you are consuming and how muc...