If you are feeling depressed , downhearted and doleful because of your stubborn belly fat, then you don't have to worry anymore. In this article, i explain you how to achieve optimum result from your work out. Which exercises are useless, and which exercises are beneficial for you people.What should you people eat ?. Undoubtedly, every one want to achieve hard, shapely and sexy abs , unfortunately, only a countable number of people manage to develop striking abs.Why? 3 EFFECTIVE WAYS TO EARN ABS IN 30 DAYS: There are three phases in Body building. 1) Gaining Phase : Gaining Phase mean bulking up process, during this phase of body building people usually intake high Carbohydrates diet , in addition , sufficient protein,which directly depend on your body weight and size. In this phase , body builder usually over come bad fats, put some good fat and developed strong muscle. Best food for Gaining Phase which contain good amoun...