Best workout for six packs without any equipment.

Six packs abs is the dream of every men and women, however, due to poor techniques and lack of knowledge most of the people relinquish their hopes and dreams. If it is happen with you , then you are on the right spot.We will guide you how to attain a six abs in a very short time , but remember six abs pack could not attain from intense work out but also need a perfect diet plans and high protein diet is required. Which foods you must eat for that you must the link below .


When we are aiming to achieve six abs pack, we could not ignore the significance of jogging. Jogging helps you to lower your body fats. Don't try to burn your fats in a day, it will take time, you could notice the result after two weeks.Once again diet plays a very important factor.

It is hard to achieve rock hard abs but not impossible, just some important tips could make your dreams true. Just make sure there is a massive different between jogging and running, some people assume if they run fast they could lose fat easily and quickly, but it just a myth not a reality. Jogging mean to run very slowly, and at low pace,if you cannot do jog, then walk fast. Just make a commitment with yourself and take initiates .

2)Compact of 3:

I am not sure what people call it but i called it compact of 3. I used this terminology because it works mostly on upper abs.The upper abs appear quickly then lower abs, if your body fat percentage is lower then 13% your upper abs become important thing, always  intake high protein diet with low carbs when you are aiming for a six abs.

Side crunches are very important to give your abs a perfect shape and make them visible.Most importantly, it reduces your love handles which make your waste looks small and give you a sexy look.

Push ups, people are surprise why i add this, am i insane or stupid,it's a time to reveal a massive secrets, by including push up, it  burn your chest fat quickly, give it a decent shape and indirectly works on your upper abs. Big Chest with abs makes you look appealing. So dudes,it's a time to start this work out .

Least but not the last, Normal crunches, this exercise will engage all your abs as well as lower abs. Moreover this exercise is very best for abs.It help you to reduce your belly fat very quickly, but again, do not forget the importance of diet.

To sum up, it's a best work out to start with, later on you can follow some challenging exercises , but according to me engaging yourself in complicated exercises from the beginning can cause you muscle pain, back pain and some deleterious injurious.Therefore, start with this workout, you will definitely see positive changes in your body structure but once again diet is very important.


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